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Allowed & Prohibited Items



NO Illegal substances
NO Liquor. Only 1 case of beer or 1 case of hard seltzer or 1 box of wine permitted per person. See Campground Alcohol Policy below for more info.
NO Unauthorized vending or selling of any products
NO Glass of any kind except handheld mirrors under 12″x12″. No standup mirrors.
NO Glass vape juice bottles, plastic only.
NO Glass lighting. Plastic tipped Christmas-style lights OK.
NO Large sound systems (if neighbors ask you to turn it down please respect their wishes)
NO Weapons of any kind
NO Replica Weapons (toy weapons or anything resembling a weapon)
NO Knives (including cooking and steak knives)
NO Pepper Spray or Mace
NO Generators (RV onboard generators OK, no external)
NO Selfie Sticks
NO Tanks of compressed air, helium, nitrous, etc.
NO Aerosol products/cans except Sunscreen and Bug Spray
NO Bonfires
NO Fireworks or any kind of explosives
NO full-sized propane grill, charcoal, butane or fires of any kind (small propane grill ok)
NO Tiki Torches
NO Sky Lanterns
NO Animals of any kind (for more info see
NO Laser Pointers
NO Drones
NO Golf carts, dune buggies, segways, off-road motorcycles
NO Large metal key chains
NO Spray paint
NO Paint markers
NO Stickers
NO Flyers
NO Bicycles, Strollers, Skateboards or OneWheels
NO Logo-wrapped canopy tents
NO Milk Crates


  • Each camper over 21 years old is allowed to bring either one case of up to 30 aluminum cans of beer, or one case of up to 30 aluminum cans of hard seltzer, or one box/plastic container of wine.
  • You cannot bring any liquor, glass bottles or kegs.
  • If security deems an excessive amount of alcohol is being brought into the campgrounds, they may confiscate the excess amount of alcohol.
  • If you plan to bring alcohol (a reasonable amount of beer or wine) into your campsite and have campers under the age of 21, you may only bring enough alcohol for those 21 and over. Furnishing alcohol to minors is a FELONY and local/state law enforcement will be present in the campgrounds. Please drink responsibly.
  • Please do not put your alcohol into coolers before arriving as this will slow down your entry search.


If a neighbor asks you to turn down your music, please respect their wishes.

  • Only USB powered personal/portable speakers allowed
  • No speakers larger than 11 x 5 x 5 inches are allowed. Small handheld bluetooth speakers such as a JBL Charge 5 or Sony SRS-XB33 will be allowed. As a general rule of thumb, if your speaker has a carry handle it is too big.
  • No externally amplified sound
  • No large speaker systems
  • No playing car audio systems loudly

Lost Lands reserves the right to remove sound systems that do not follow guidelines. Repeat offenders of noise complaints are subject to removal from the campground.


Prescription medication is permitted as long as it is in its original pharmacy-labeled container which states the prescription, dosage, and patient name.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.


NO Illegal substances
NO Alcohol may be brought into the festival grounds
NO Open containers (empty reusable water bottles & empty Camelbaks OKAY)
NO Glass of any kind
NO Weapons
NO Replica Weapons (toy weapons or anything resembling a weapon)
NO Knives
NO Pepper Spray or Mace
NO Tanks of compressed air, helium, nitrous, etc.
NO Aerosol products/cans except Sunscreen and Bug Spray
NO Fireworks or any kind of explosives
NO Open Flames or Charcoal Grill
NO Tiki Torches
NO Sky Lanterns
NO Animals of any kind (for more info see
NO Professional cameras/GoPro attachments
NO Selfie Sticks
NO Tripods
NO Laser Pointers
NO Drones
NO Large speaker systems
NO Frozen water bottles
NO Excessively large/long metal key chains
NO Large purses or bags (Max 12″×12″)
NO Stickers
NO Flyers
NO Beach Balls
NO Markers, pens, spray paint
NO Paint markers
NO Strollers/Skateboards/bicycles
NO Folding chairs and/or camping chairs
NO Inflatable Couches
NO Hammocks

*Please do not set up seating in crowded areas of the venue. This is a major safety concern. Your seating will be confiscated and you may be removed from the festival.


YES Reusable water bottles (Empty)
YES Hydration Packs / Camelbaks (Empty)
YES Single-compartment backpacks (maximum 12“ x 12“)
YES Purses (maximum 12“ x 12“)
YES Ear Plugs
YES Fanny packs
YES Makeup
YES Hand Sanitizer
YES Chapstick and lip balm
YES Lotion/Sunblock
YES Sealed Tampons
YES Eye drops
YES Wet Wipes
YES E-cig/Tobacco Vapes and Mods
YES Vape Juice in Plastic Bottles (Sealed)
YES Cameras (anything but pro equipment – GoPros OK)
YES Disposable cameras
YES Mobile Phones, external batteries and chargers
YES Walkie Talkies
YES Festival Totems (see Totem Rules below)
YES Kandi
YES LED Lights
YES Flow arts like hula hooping, poi, gloving, orbiting
YES Costumes are encouraged! Full face masks must be removed when going through security.
YES Bubbles (small sealed container)

*Do not leave valuable items in your tent. Instead, lock them in your car or locker. Lost Lands is not responsible for any materials misplaced, lost, or stolen.

In the interest of minimizing plastic waste, we highly encourage all fans to bring an empty reusable water bottle or an empty Camelbak with you inside the festival each day and take advantage of our free water stations located around the grounds.

If you must bring a disposable plastic water bottle with you into the festival grounds, you may enter with a maximum of two (2) empty bottles.


We love your totems, we promise. But we also love being able to see the stage, allowing our prehistorians to take great photos and videos, and above all else, keeping everyone safe. We ask that everyone please follow these guidelines as they will be enforced at the security checkpoint.

  • Maximum height including pole: 7 feet. Combining multiple poles to create extra long totems will result in security asking you to return it to your campsite or surrender it.
  • Poles must be less than 1-inch diameter
  • No extendable poles
  • No extra poles
  • No wood, aluminum or metal (use something light like PVC)
  • No Inflatables
  • Nothing that can poke, stab or fall causing injury
  • NO hate speech, negativity or illegal activities. Security reserves the right to deny entry to totems they deem unacceptable.
  • Totem Heads: Will be limited to 2′ measured diagonally. Must have artwork on all sides. Highly creative totem heads will be more flexible on size, but please keep it reasonable. Originality is encouraged!
  • Flags may be 3’x5’ or no more than 4’ measured diagonally.
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